Sunday, September 14, 2008

Worth more than 1000 Words...

To me its hysterical that McCain/Palin
are attempting to rob Obama of the
campaign slogan he has been using since the Iowa primary against HRC.
Its also fantastic that McCain/Palin received a "cease and desist" letter from the Wilson sisters of "Heart" for using their 1977 song, "Barracuda," a reference to Palin's high school basketball court nickname. Van Halen also sent similar correspondence, for the use of their 1992 song, "Right Now," although unlike the Wilson sisters who are clearly Democrats, as their letter stated they do not share McCain's views, Van Halen doesn't want their music affiliated with politics of any kind.
At this stage of the game, in addition to the apology that I have previously requested from the Republicans, (for wrecking this once great country) I would also like to hear specifics from the McCain/Palin ticket as to what and how specifically they are going to change Washington, as well as a plan as to how the rest of the GOP will go along with said plan. I think its pretty clear that Republicans are in the dog house currently, as each day more news surfaces about the mess this country is in for the failed policies of Bush. Thoughts?

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