Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Feminists and Palin

From a great Cl Rant & Rave I found in the Alaska section...
...I just don't like her politics. I don't like the way she intimidates people and uses her power and authority to get what she wants. I don't like the fact that she is in favor of censorship and tried to fire a woman who defied her. I don't like the fact that she was in favor of making rape victims pay for their own rape kits. I don't like the way she stands on a soap box of being a successful women, wife and mother, "a woman who can break the glass ceiling" yet cries sexism when people demand background and information on someone who could be the most powerful person in the world. I don't like that fact that she hired high school friends to vip positions on her staff with little or no qualifications for the job. I don't like her smug denial of her position on the bridge, ear marks, pork barrel spending, all the while the information is readily available and proven. I don't like her staunch and stubborn denial that abstinence-only education is the only accepted education. It didn't work for her family, how dare she dictate her opinions to the rest of us? I don't like her elitist, religious opinions. She has every right to exercise those opinions with her own family but not the rest of the country who are facing very different realities and situations than hers. I don't like that she continues to support the notion that Iraq was responsible for the attacks of 911.

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