Friday, September 5, 2008

The Party that Wrecked America

The John Stewart clip from "The Daily Show" below illustrates how the GOP is clearly without any consistency. Its a way of thinking Kindergartners use, "If my friend does it, its good. If my enemy does it, its bad." Regardless of what "it" is. The proverbial "it" in this case are the qualities needed by the person running the U.S. Kind of sounds like an important job!

The Republicans are currently carrying on in their paper hats as if they have nothing to do with the problems going on in America today. There has been no acknowledgement of what went wrong under Bush, and how they are going to avoid the "pack mentality" in which Congress rubber stamped everything from 2000-'06 instead of using their brains and thinking through the legislation they were passing. The McCain campaign hasn't listed how they are going to clean up Bush's mess, or how their admin will be different. McCain's Tucker can't give any real examples of Palin's foreign policy experience, which means that McCain's "higher standard" of candidates needing foreign policy experience exists only for the Democrats! Certainly not for his Veep!

I am proud of the media for finally starting to have the balls to out the Republicans on this stuff. Fox News gave them a safe haven for long enough to manipulate the facts, selectively pick the issues, disguise their failures, spread their lies, and promote an ideology of thinking instead of actual facts or news. I am glad the mainstream media is now outing them for this.
At one time, America was the best nation in the world. We stood for something, proudly and consistently. Our politicians were praised or critiqued by a truly free media. The public held them accountable for their actions. Looks like we are heading back to being an actual "democracy".

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