Sunday, September 21, 2008

Capitalism for The Consumer, Socialism for Industry

Lets review what the "conservatives" are supposed to stand for regarding finance:
1. small gov't
2. low taxes
3. fiscal responsibility
4. deregulation
5. free markets

Now, lets review what they actually stand for
1. US debt at a staggering $11 TRILLION
2. Fiscal irresponsibility, record budget shortfalls
3. Record "pork" in the Federal budget
4. Cutting taxes while waging a $3T war in Iraq
5. Free markets when things are going well, bailouts when deregulation causes shit to hit the fan

I call this, "Capitalism for the consumer, Socialism for Industry"

The typical explanation for this is that the financials are, "too big to fail," and that the "systemic risk is too great" if a major financial firm were to fail and all of the holdings be dumped in the market for liquidation. The increase in selling would cause a market crash like 1987.

In my opinion, this crisis in the financials is caused primarily by deregulation. As usual, the Bush admin was worrying about making themselves rich instead of watching over the country and economy for threats to everyone and the system as a whole. Also, to get campaign contributions, the Bush admin made all kinds of plans about deregulation, so again, more important than every one's financial well-being.

At this time I would like to remind everyone that the productivity gains of the past 8 years were brought about by middle class workers, as acknowledged by Bill Clinton in his interview with Maria Bartiromo on Friday's Closing Bell on CNBC. Yet, those same middle class workers got little to no wage gains, and their earnings buy less due to the weak US$ and high commodity costs. Over the past 8 years, at different times, the following costs have risen substantially:
1. food
2. fuel
3. health care
4. education
5. insurance
6. housing
7. credit

So, the middle class is working harder for the same money that buys less. Now, the top earners in the financials, who paid themselves more for their efforts than any other time in US history, (
have wrecked the middle class's retirement savings if in the form of equities, at the same time when social security and Medicaid/medicare are bankrupt. McCain wants to tax the middle class for their employer based health care costs, to boot. (This would mean that when you declare your annual earnings on your tax forms, you would add in the $3K or more for the health care premiums your employer paid for you to your total earnings. This would likely cause a rise in the middle class tax bill.)

So, what do republicans stand for? They stand for bankrupting the federal gov't; deregulating industry so those at the top can get as rich as possible, along with the Republicans themselves, yet when the shit hits the fan, the gov't comes in to bail out the deregulated industries with tax payer money; waging a $3T war while passing regressive tax cuts; and finally, getting the middle class workers to work harder for the same wages that buy less. Oh yeah, and the right is against unions. I wonder why! Its capitalism for the consumer, socialism for industry. America under the Bush admin is one of the worst periods in our country's history. Very soon, we may longer be world leaders in finance, innovation, technology, science, and medicine. To quote Jim Rogers, "Get out of the US$, buy commodities, and teach your children Chinese." His words get more wise by the day.

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