Wednesday, September 10, 2008

7 years since 9/11

Please see below the letter I wrote to the NY Times editor on the 7th anniversary of 9/11.

Dear Editor,

Today is the 7th anniversary of 9/11. Despite billions of taxpayer dollars and thousands of lives lost, there is little meaningful progress on the war on terror. A housing / credit crisis threatens American families and companies, yet Bush continues to spend on Iraq. In Kate Phillips’s “War at home: Bush’s Iraq Troops Drawdown,” (9/9/08) Obama reminds us Bin Laden remains at large and Iraq costs $10 billion / month.
After 8 years of Bush 9/11 victims are without justice, our economy is wrecked, our national debt is $9 trillion, and our international reputation is deplorable. How can McCain and Palin tout “change” without being honest about the harm their party caused America? We deserve an apology from the Republicans for wrecking our great nation that once lead the world. Before Republicans can ever be trusted they must take responsibility for their wrongdoings. America deserves better. We must demand it.

Thoughts? I think it needs to be made clear on the national stage that the Republicans' tutelage wrecked this country. They need to admit that before they can be taken seriously. I wonder how bad the Republicans need to make their constituents suffer before even die hard members of the right start to think about whats important to them. With all of the suffering going on with the housing and credit crises, the 20K people who work at Lehman Brothers who may lose their jobs, the 8K people from Bear Stearns who did lose their jobs, I wonder how many voted for Bush, and how many plan to vote for McCain. At what point are members of the right thinking, "Our shit is falling apart and this is not what I signed on for when I voted for Bush?" When they lose their jobs? Their homes? Their fancy cars get re-possessed? I don't wish those things on anyone. I really don't, even on a far-right picketer of abortion clinics.

Yet what is crazy to me is many Republicans that I hear talking still talk like Bush is doing an alright job. I hear comments like, "Obama is going to get credit 3 years from now for a lot of the policies Bush is putting in place now," and I think to myself, at the very best Obama will have cleaned up some of Bush's mess 3 years from now. I wonder what it is going to take for die hard Republicans to admit their boy wrecked this country, and start to demand more. CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera said it best when she said, "The Republicans promised to stay out of our bedrooms and wallets, and did neither."

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