Tuesday, August 12, 2008

VH1's "I Love Money" Episode 6

As much as its embarrassing to admit it, I enjoy a good reality show from time to time. This summer I have been watching VH1's "I love Money" since I am familiar with some of the cast. After this Sunday's episode in which Pumpkin sent Chance home, I was speechless and went to the blogosphere seeking opinions and opportunities to share my own.
I was surprised that most of the blogs I encountered were summaries of the episode with link to You Tube for those that missed it. There were good comments in some of the sections, and even potential spoilers. (Warning: do not read ahead if you don't want the "spoilers" revealed which may or may not be correct.)
Most bloggers weren't sympathetic to Chance and many blasted the remaining cast for not supporting Pumpkin. Many agreed with me, that Chance had not proven himself to be a "strong player" which was a central part of Pumpkin's reasoning for wanting Chance to go. What I couldn't believe was that Pumpkin EVER EVEN considered starting any kind of alliance with Megan, who dissed her boobs on the first day. (Could Pumpkin secretly wish that she was one of the "barbie" girls along with Brandi and Megan?) What does Megan even have to offer anyone in the form of an alliance? It would have made sense for Pumpkin to go to Heather and Entertainer and ask to join their alliance in exchange for sending Chance home, but she didn't do that either. One of the sites I visited claimed that the final 2 turn out to be Heather and Brandi C, yet another site said that Brandi's days are limited after the next episode. While Pumpkin's move may end up seeming smart down the line, for now it seems like a huge mistake. What the future holds for Pumpkin's friendship with Hoopz is currently unknown, but to me having a loyal friend in Hoopz is worth more than anything Megan can offer.

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