Sunday, August 31, 2008

RNC and Gustav

As of today, Sunday at 2 pm, there is a mandatory evacuation for New Orleans due to Hurricane Gustav, which is gathering strength in the center of the Gulf of Mexico right now. The hurricane is heading towards New Orleans, as a Category 3, gathering strength in the warm, deep waters of the Gulf. Its sad, upsetting, traumatic, bringing back memories of Katrina. This time around, the evacuation is much more orderly, and people can bring their pets with them. All of the citizens of the Gulf are in my thoughts and prayers. I also feel for the drivers heading west on Interstate 10, moving slowly in traffic that must be as heavy has rush hour traffic outside the Holland Tunnel. Are they worried about the gas stations running out of gas? I can only imagine their many fears, from their homes being lost to another hurricane, to other unimaginable scenarios. Will the city flood??
With that being said, the kindness coming from the Bush admin and RNC is making me sick. I am not saying this about John McCain. His record on natural disaster relief is unknown, as I do not know of any situation he has presided over as a Senator. My issue is with Bush and his underlings, who aren't going to the RNC in St. Paul, rather going to Texas to meet with emergency workers and evacuees. Could this be because 2008 is an election year and 2005 was not? Could this be because he wants to do something to redeem himself from the horrible disgrace which was the federal response to Katrina?
The blog posting from 2007, below,
speaks volumes about what life in American under the Republicans has been like for those effected by Katrina. I hope and pray Gustav doesn't do the damage to the Gulf coast that Katrina did. I also hope and pray we elect a President that actually cares about the American public. All members of the American public.

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