Thursday, August 28, 2008


As I read the various articles written about the 2008 election,

or anything written by Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone, I wonder why the left insists on talking shit.

Why talk about the chilly relationship between the Clintons and Obama? Why focus on that? When the media and press focus on that, it indirectly helps the Republicans. What the focus should be on is the mess the Republicans have made of this country, and the people who are suffering. There is a big mess, too. The housing crisis, the out of control lenders who are now without liquidity, the inability for people to declare Chapter 7 because of the Bush admin changes to the bankruptcy law, all of the people in ICE custody dying because they are denied medical care, the price of oil and those who cannot afford to drive because of $4 gasoline. There is a lot to talk about. The mess the Bush admin has made of this country is huge, and that is what the liberals should be focusing on. Not the internal divisions and differences within the Democratic party. Put the Republicans on the defense about the mess they have made in America.

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