Thursday, August 14, 2008

ICE healthcare Issues

Yesterday I read the NY Times link to the story about Mr. Ng.
It was very sad and I felt a deep sadness for him and his family. While I was reading the NY Times story, I came across the story of Francisco Castaneda. As summarized by the story in the LA Times,
I was appalled by the suffering Mr. Castaneda endured while being held in ICE custody. I was glad the Federal Judge called the situation a violation of Mr. Castaneda's Constitutional rights against cruel and unusual punishment. When I was flipping around the net looking for various viewpoints, I came across the quote of a republican Senator (who shall remain nameless) who said, in short, "Why should the American tax payer have to foot the health care bill for illegal immigrants in ICE custody?" I think this case answers that question. Because if ICE doesn't provide adequate medical care, those suffering from terminal illnesses are subject to cruel and unusual punishment. In the case of Mr. Castaneda, the legion on his penis was vi sable, for the doctors to see. They didn't need tests to verify that the issue was serious, they could see with their naked eyes that it was. To me, what is most upsetting is that ICE chose to release Mr. Castaneda on to the street to get medical care rather than pay for his cancer treatments. What does that say to the American taxpayer? That because they won't spend our tax dollars on medical care for ICE inmates when problems first arise, once the problem is full blown and too big to ignore, they release the inmate onto the street to walk into any E.R. in the country to have charity care pay for treatment? Well, people who walk into E.R.'s who cannot pay for their treatment is paid for, in part, by tax dollars. Hospitals get reimbursed some percentage of those costs. So, the taxpayer paid for Mr. Castaneda's care after he was released! (Of course, ICE dug their own grave by dragging their feet for 11 months. Had they gotten a biopsy when the legion was small, likely the cost of the surgery would have been significantly less than by the time Mr. Castaneda's cancer spread to his groin and liver.)
Hospitals all over the state of NJ are closing and in financial distress because they are mandated to take and treat anyone who walks in the E.R. Usually the state of NJ reimburses the cost of about $0.25/$1.00 of what the hospital spends treating the low income/uninsured. If anything, the state gov'ts should be mandating that ICE not dump critically ill people on the streets in front of hospitals in their state leaving the state taxpayers to pay the bills!!!
Now, if this story happened in another country, the American media would be up in arms about the international treatment of one of our countrymen. Yet, the media isn't sending a clear message to our gov't that Americans won't stand for this. If ICE is going to hold immigrants in custody on immigration issues, there needs to be health care.
Finally, regarding the various things the American taxpayer pays for: The war on terror is costing each and every one of us 300 million Americans $30K each. So, I think we can squeeze in some medical care for ICE inmates.

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