Thursday, October 2, 2008

Selections From Palin's Interviews

Some selections from the interviews posted below:

1. Believes evolution should be taught in schools. When asked by Couric if it should be one of many choices, Palin didn't answer specifically. Palin said she thinks evolution should be taught in science classes, and that science is science, yet God did have a hand in the creation of earth.
2. When asked if she considers herself a feminist, (again by Couric) she said yes, that as a little girl the same things were expected out of her as the boys. There was a little cheerleading for equality, but in what way, wasn't mentioned.
3. Abortion: She said she would "counsel to choose life" even in the case of rape and incest, but that wouldn't ever put anyone in jail for having an abortion. Was vague about the morning after pill, when asked twice about it, said, "Wouldn't choose to participate in that kind of contraception, life begins at conception," and that no one seems to disagree with," life beginning at conception."
4. When asked by Couric what newspapers she reads, and Couric asked twice, Palin didn't name one publication, and said, "All of them" many times. She couldn't name one thing that she reads? Is that because they are far to the right and she doesn't want to be associated with that, or because she DOESN'T READ? Could that be? She doesn't read?

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