Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell to vote for Obama!

Colin Powell's interview on "Meet The Press" on NBC with Tom Brokaw in which he illustrates his support for Obama. His reasons, as he explains them:
1. He knows both candidates well, both are qualified
2. Both are dedicated Americans
3. Over the past few years, the Republican party has moved too far to the right for him
4. McCain is unsure on economics, and when dealing with the nation's economic crisis, seems to have a new strategy each day.
5. Choice of Palin, who is not ready to be President, says a lot about McCain's judgement
6. Obama is an intellectual and his judgment is steady
7. The McCain campaign is divisive, focusing on Bill Ayers, not something that effects Americans, the focus is very small and limited, goes too far with Bill Ayers focus
8. Obama is concerned with all American values: big city, small city, small town; not just small towns have values, crossing lines: ethnic, generational, etc.
9. Gov Palin has indicated a further right wing shift of the Republican party. The Republican party says "Obama is a Muslim. No, he is a Christian. But what if Obama is a Muslim? That's not America. There is nothing wrong with being a Muslim. "

10. Got to stop polarizing ourselves, and McCain's campaign is too polarizing
11. Obama reaches all across America, has style and substance, transformational figure, inclusive to all people.

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