Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain mailer to PA tries to cause Clinton/Obama split

McCain sent a mailer around PA about Clinton's 18 million votes and how she did a lot for women, and how he will do a lot for women too if elected, attempting to steal Obama votes away from former Clinton supporters. Its disgusting, really.

McCain is not right to pick on HRC. She stands for the left, and she stands for it proudly because she knows its whats good and right in the world. To even compare Palin to her because they both wear skirts is quite frankly an insult. HRC is way smarter and more qualified than McPalin will ever be, and she fights for women more than Palin, who, remember, made rape victims pay for their own exams, ever will or can. Obama has had hard choices to make, and I respect that he didn't ask HRC to run on his ticket. My opinion, that HRC should have been on the top of the ticket, is known. However, she did what was in the best interest of the left and threw her support to Obama because seeing the liberal left lead the country is more important to her than her pride. I respect that and honor that humility it took after the primary to come out and support Obama.

"Pride cometh before the fall." Lets just see if we can make it one more week under the Christian right in America. I can't believe Obama is going to win the election until I see it to be true with my very own eyes. I continue to be grateful Obama is leading the left and am keeping my fingers crossed.

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