Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hoboken Quiznos Suddenly Closes

Last week the Quiznos location at 1st & Hudson in Hoboken was open for business like it always was. Today when I went over there to get a chicken mesquite for Steve, the door was locked, lights off, and signs were on the door and window with "Retail Space Available" in big letters. There was no drop off over the past few weeks in the quality of the items or service, which is usually how business closings are proceeded. I'm very sad, as I will miss having a small chicken carbonara on white. If anyone knows anything about why the store suddenly went out of business, I would love to know. I called the non-emergency number for the Hoboken Police to ask if there was a robbery or break in that caused the store to close, and the officer said he had not heard of a robbery/break in at Quiznos, but that he also had not heard that the store was no longer operating. (I found that odd given how it is less than a block from the station, and I have seen many officers in Quiznos eating lunch over the years.) When I searched for information about how corporate works with their franchises, which are privately owned, I found this link:
Nothing mentioned in the article would seem important enough to result in the 1st & Hudson location closing its doors though. I am very shocked because the closing is so sudden and without warning. I notified Hoboken 411 and would be interested in any info anyone may have.
To see where the location used to be, click on the link and google maps will show you the corner, with the Quiznos sign visible. (It wouldn't let me save that pic and upload it onto the posting.),+Hoboken,+NJ+07030&sll=40.739535,-74.029806&sspn=0.006666,0.013561&ie=UTF8&ll=40.738982,-74.029806&spn=0.006666,0.013561&z=16&iwloc=addr&layer=c&cbll=40.737262,-74.029797&panoid=rue84Suo3vV_dtrMyZlTXQ&cbp=12,315,,1,5.000000000000001

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