Sunday, November 23, 2008

Chinese Democracy is Finally Here!

The album is good. I like it, and think its worth $12.99 to check it out. "Tunes" in Hoboken swore to me over the phone this week that Sunday at noon they would have it, but didn't. My copy came from Best Buy on 23rd Street. I like to go with the small retailer when possible, but in this situation they lied to me and I had to patronize corporate America.
Speaking of corporate America, Dr. Pepper is pissing me off. First, they promise a free 20 oz soda to everyone if "Chinese Democracy" is released in 2008. They set it up so that you have to register on their site today ONLY to get the coupon mailed to you. Of course, with so many people trying to get their free soda, the site has crashed. I am wondering what Dr. Pepper is going to do about all of the people who claimed they couldn't register because the site is down. I am going to write a letter to their "customer relations" dept. They knew they set up the promotion this way, so they shouldn't be surprised that their site has crashed. Where is the tech support? In addition, they are doing things like this:
In case you haven’t already found out about how Slash got snubbed by Dr. Pepper as part of the drink manufacturer’s recent “Chinese Democracy” promotion, I’m gonna give you a little heads up just so you know what I’m talking about.

Dr. Pepper has vowed to give everyone in the U.S. a free can of the drink if Guns N’ Roses’ long-awaited new album, “Chinese Democracy”, is released this year. Everyone, that is, apart from Slash and Buckethead [Guns N' Roses guitarist 2000-2004]. Oh well… here’s what Slash had to say:

“Yeah, someone sent me a text about that at 3:00 a.m. last night,” Slash replied. “I thought, ‘What kind of left-field shit is that?’ It’s pretty funny, actually. I guess Buckethead and I will just have to make do with Coca-Cola."

To me, that isn't cool of Dr. Pepper, to get involved in personal differences between various current and "ex" members of the band. Isn't their job to sell soda? I would think excluding Slash would offend many fans of the band, as it has surely offended me. Thoughts? Not that I bet Slash gives two shits about a free soda, but in principal, its a crappy move.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah in principle it is a crappy move but, who cares when Dr. Pepper is artificial crap. These big corporations don't care about anyone. They are out of control and will willingly sell products that kill their consumers just to make a buck. Look at the pharmaceutical industry. They are perhaps the most irresponsible greedy bastards out there. Pushing out pills before they fully comprehend the effects just to make big bucks. Additionally their drugs do not focus on curing the patients condition, rather these drugs just mask the problem. If they would just use their power to teach people preventative medicine like eating organically, mediation, exercise and taking organic supplements & vitamins they would cure so many. But you see money is more important to them. Sustaining their self centered expensive life styles is what matters to them. The problem is education really. Not enough people know there are actual healing alternatives. They go to their psychiatrist and get prescribed a pill to mask the problem. That is the western approach to solving a problem. Sure western medicine has its place in a few extreme situations which involve gun shot wounds or broken bones. But nearly every other disease can be cured through eastern practices and a good diet. Going back to education though. As long as people sit in front of their tv they will never be able to think for themselves. They will continue to be locked down into a limiting belief structure. Have you ever wondered why this world is in the condition it is in? You got to look at who owns he media outlets and who owns the pharmaceutical corporations. You will discover they all know each other. If you dig a bit deeper you will see they all meet each other and all have ties to world governments. This ain't no conspiracy theory. Its a conspiracy reality. And it goes much deeper than this. over and out.