Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Buyer Beware: Calvary Bridal Shop Defrauded Brides

Calvary Bridal House, located in Milburn has been exposed first by & The Star Ledger articles and now on TV by CBS reporter Kirsten Cole for defrauding brides out of expensive gowns. Note the website is no longer available:
Link to CBS story:
(My selections in italics) Elga Koehler, owner of Calvary Bridal in Livingston, N.J., is bankrupt, but she's still open for business. She's taking money for and promising brides beautiful gowns, but dozens say she's not delivering.
Ms. Koehler didn't explain herself on camera.
Since Ms. Koehler is in $400K of debt, the claims against her/the business by customers who paid cash for dresses they never received are unlikely to get their money back anytime soon. See below for chargeback info for credit card purchases. (If the amount is less than $5k, its less important legally than amounts greater than $5k. Many dresses are likely $4,999! Coincidence?!?) Hopefully the media coverage will help the brides, but if the business is in bankruptcy proceedings, can Ms. Koehler be forced to reimburse the brides $4k when she owes creditors $400K?
Elga Koehler's LinkedIn page is bare, but listed under contact settings are:
new ventures; job inquiries; expertise requests; getting back in touch
Why would someone running a business be interested in "job inquiries"? Why would someone who expanded a business too fast and is now bankrupt be interested in "new ventures"? The article from reports a picket by defrauded brides in front of the 110 Essex St location in Milburn earlier this month. Good for them for picketing!

"We could have disappeared into the night like Celebration Studios," Ms. Koehler said. "We didn't. We opted to keep our doors open so we could service the other brides. We've tried to just do business so that a repayment plan can be formulated and these people will not immediately -- but eventually -- get their money back." A store expansion in 2007 led her (Ms. Koehler) to rent more space and hire more help, a "recipe for disaster" in the current economy, Ms. Koehler said. About five or six brides never received their dresses, according to Koehler, who said she understands they feel upset but she had no other recourse than to file for bankruptcy. (Pic of picket below.)

For those who paid with credit cards:
The Consumerist provides instructions on how to do a chargeback:
This business may either be/have been in Florham Park, as lists:
Calvary Bridal House , 137 Columbia Tpke, Florham Park, 973-593-8330, a # which has been "disconnected." 973 376 2600 rings through to a machine, if anyone has done business at Calvary Bridal and wants to inquire. Although the website being taken down says it all. I am tempted to call and try to order a dress, just to see if Ms. Koehler would take the order. Ha! I wonder what she would say? For those interested in reading more, there are many good consumer postings about individual experiences. I googled "Calvary Bridal Livingston" and a ton of good ones came up. I would love to hear anything more on this story. I wish the best of luck to those that have been defrauded out of a wedding dress they paid for. Sucks, sucks, sucks.

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