Monday, February 2, 2009

The Majestic Beagle

Lately I have come to appreciate the majestic beauty, skill, and excellence that is the beagle. Captain of the scent hounds, the beagle has one of the best noses on planet earth, and when trained accordingly makes for a great hunting dog. My dog, Daisy, pictured in the large pictures above, is a retired hunting dog abandoned in 2005 in upstate New York. (The smallest pic is of an unknown beagle, what I imagine Daisy looked like in her youth.) Daisy had at least one litter of puppies, never saw the inside of a vet, and by all likelihood had a great life hunting rabbits in some rural setting as a hunting dog prior to 2005. Why anyone would not want her is beyond my ability to comprehend. She is such a good girl, wanting only to please and be with the pack. I am in awe of her handsome form, soft coat, and cute moves that she does looking for food. A champion beggar and curb shopper, Daisy attacks trash with reckless ambition determined to find a snack. She has been my dog full time for a year and a half now.
What I love about her is her quiet confidence, how she has "plans" when we go out for her walk on the yards that she wants to hit and grills she wants to patrol. I love it how she cheats death, both via overcoming illnesses (a tumor in her chest, liver problems, pancreas problems, a neck injury, accidental overdose of breathing medication, collapsing trachea, irregular heart issue, ear infections, and those are only the things I can think of now) as well as refusing to give up when she was chained to a pole in a grocery store parking lot awaiting a dog catcher. I love it that she can and will use deception on other dogs to get what she wants. I love her little quirks like being afraid of thunder and lying in laundry strewn on the floor. She is a great dog and it breaks my heart to think of all of the shelter dogs that are put down everyday. I encourage everyone: please do not buy a puppy without at least visiting a shelter once. Given the economic downturn, many pets are being surrendered that deserve a second chance. Daisy got a second chance and her loyalty, company, and love have changed my life forever.

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