Friday, January 16, 2009

Book "The Secret" and the net haters

For some reason people love to hate Rhonda Byrnes' book, "The Secret." My own opinion on the book is complicated. The short version is that I do think there are some truths in the book, universal truths if you will, but I think that they are told through the lens of the author and make little sense to a lot of readers. The author was in a tough spot of trying to back up the principals with examples, so of course the examples were isolated situations with the reader lacking facts. (Like the part about visualizing checks coming in the mail. That really only makes sense for people who don't have direct deposit, you know?)

The net is full of blogs of people ranting about how infantile the book is and how it doesn't work. I don't need to post any of those excerpts. I did find a poem that I liked from an author that passed away in 1933 that summarized some of what was enclosed in the principals without getting too specific:

and wings: And that we send them forth to fill the world with good results, or ill. That which we call our secret thought speeds forth to earth’s remotest spot, Leaving its blessings or its woes. Like tracks behind it as it goes. We build our future, thought by thought, For good or ill, yet know it not. Yet so the universe was wrought. Thought is another name for fate; Choose then thy destiny and wait, For love brings love and hate brings hate.” Henry Van Dyke

I think a lot of people read the book and take it literally. Or, find it childish. One author that I really like and respect, James Kunstler, has suggested a la "The Secret" that wishing for things is a child's pastime and adults shouldn't be thinking anything besides productive activity is what creates wealth.
That is the link to his site, although I forget in which posting he mentions his view. I don't disagree with JHK entirely, however, there are aspects of it where what is now wealth creating, a company like google, was once someone's idea, and only an idea. The person had to do the work of creating the company, but it did start out as one idea. In short, there is a lot of wiggle room on the topic of whether "The Secret" works. My investigation into it all has been mixed. I am looking forward to hearing the experiences of others.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Season Finale of "Real Chance of Love"

Season Finale of "Real Chance of Love" on VH1

I knew that Real never had romantic feelings for Bay Bay Bay. That was obvious. She doesn't have a soft side that would be appealing to most guys. I thought Real genuinely cared for MILF, and so that's why I was surprised that he eliminated her and kept Bay Bay Bay in the previous episode. Chance eliminating both Risky and Cali at the end was a surprise, but only a small one since this opens the door for a season 2. I didn't get a read on either of those 2, since Risky didn't open up much and Cali seemed sort of average, which is funny since that is what she called Risky.
All in all, the best parts of the season were the funny clips of Real and Chance, their baby pictures slide show on the drive in date, their jokes, etc. In the episode where the girls pimp out 2 BMWs as a challenge for dates with the brothers, Chance is repulsed by the sight of a decal of his brother's "big ass head" on the driver's side door of the car. That was awesome.
I wish Risky and Cali the best of luck moving forward. I had hoped at some point in the season someone would call out Bay Bay Bay for being judgmental, two-faced, and aggressive, however it didn't happen. Since I hear that Bay Bay Bay will be returning for "I Love Money 2" my hopes for her being called out continue. I wonder who will be the one to tell her how annoying she is and how rude she speaks to people and about people. As far as "break out stars" from the series, I can only guess that Bubbles, MILF, and Bay Bay Bay will be invited back to do more "VH1 Celeb Reality" shows with Chris Abrego and Mark Cronin producing. Also, what ever happened to "My Fair Brady"?
(pics were hard to organize: from the top going down: MILF, Bay Bay Bay, and Cornfed. The last 3 girls Real had. Cornfed, short blond hair, was the only winner of the show and picked by Real.)